
Grey Cat The Flag CTF


Grey Cat The Flag CTF, or GreyCTF is hosted by NUS Greyhats in collaboration with National Cybersecurity R&D Labs. I joined this CTF as a team with my friends, Domi and Bowen. Altogether, we solved 6 challenges, placing us 57th place in the Singapore category and 147th place in the open category out of 454 teams.


1. Baby Crypto


Pretty simple challenge, it is a cipher. Caesar cipher, to be exact. So I just used for this.

The flag was found! "grey{caes4r_csph3r_f0r_my_s4l4D}"


1. CrashPython

I didn't get the screenshot of the full page unfortunately, but the gist of it was that there was a placeholder to input python code to run to cause a crash (through segmentation fault), but the code had to fulfil the requirements of the blacklist. The blacklist included keywords that couldn't be used in the code.

Initially, I tested with a stack overflow error with infinite recursion as such:

def recursion():


But it didn't work. My teammate then told me (Eureka moment...) that it didn't meet the requirements of a segmentation fault. I then looked around for solutions to cause a segmentation fault.

I ended up with this simple code:

import ctypes
def segfault():
    # Access an invalid memory location


And that worked!

Last updated